Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Anvil – Impact is Imminent (AFM)


Anvil is a heavy metal institution.  The band regularly releases albums, tours, and enjoys their time in the spotlight.  There seems to be no end to their activities, on the other hand why should there be?

Impact is Imminent brings more of great Anvil music.  If you dug this band thus far, nothing will change that.  You will like what Lipps, Robb Reiner, and Christ have to offer.  The songs are solid, catchy, and full of great leads.  This is traditional metal at its best.

Anvil isn’t being revolutionary, experimental, they are just being Anvil.  That’s just perfect and enough for any fan who carries their flag for the last four decades.  This music does not compromise in any way.  Also, you technically hear and feel these guys improving their musicianship.  The only difference is that they apply these new chops to already established format.  In some ways, there is enrichment if you listen hard enough.

Impact is Imminent is full of great tunes, and you hear a band having fun and enjoying themselves.  Lockdown will definitely go down like a storm.  While the band isn’t looking back, their legacy has got a good grip on them.  Anvil knows what works and they don’t mess with it.  Expect another hard rocking album, and that’s exactly what you are getting.  When old is new and new is old, and you’re still jumping like crazy while listening to it, you know things are good.  Way to go Anvil!

Mark Kadzielawa

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