Monday, May 6, 2024

Legions of Metal Festival, Chicago, Illinois 2024


The Legions of Metal festival was an absolute blast. Over the last two days, this was a big celebration of heavy metal music. The combination of established act and up and coming bands was absolutely winning, and both days of the event sold out. The festival had a very easy-going flow, it was relaxed, and the real intensity usually took place on either stage. It was great to meet some old-time friends, and make some new ones. It was impossible to see it all, but even with what was possible, the event was very impressive. Watchtower’s first appearance in Chicago and Midwest, was absolutely amazing, and the band delivered a crushing show. Hirax was driven by this unbelievable energy, and Katon is always incredibly entertaining to watch. Good vibes all around, not to mention constant smiles of joy! Unleash the Archers showed how a newer band can slowly become a very solid headliner with a very impressive following. Plenty of amazing shows by OwlBear, who debuted their live show at the festival. Tower Hill from Canada, many claim they stole the show on day 1, they were definitely great! Greyhawk arrived straight from their festival time in Germany, and played an amazing show. Greyhawk is certainly a band heading for another level, they have a great attitude, and the will to do it. Downbringer made a very rare appearance, and played a great set. Stress Angel took this show in a different direction, and unleashed a true evil upon us all! What a great band! Mean Mistreater came out of nowhere, and simply blew everyone away with their high energy driven show. Fer De Lance gave a solid dose of epic metal, and quickly won over the crowd. Another amazing band from the Chicago area! Let’s not forget the very entertaining and fun show from Canada’s Striker. Solid sets from Lycanthro, Olathia, Viperwitch, Ice Howls, Mourn the Light and others. What was also noticeable is the vast number of female musicians in those bands. It’s great to see the ladies taking charge, and rocking out! You have definitely arrived! Be proud! The fest was an example of a great music community coming together and making the magic happen. Big thanks to the promoters of this festival, the crew, sound people, bars, the kitchen. Every little thing added to this event being special, functional, and memorable.

Mark Kadzielawa

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