Monday, February 26, 2024

Fermentor – Mind Meld (self release)


Fermentor offers a true alternative in the world of metal or death metal.  They are an instrumental duo, and what they do is very unique.  This band is a labor of love, Dylan Marks (drums) and Adam Wollach (guitar) are having a blast playing this type of music.  They are not seeking any kind of wider recognition, and if anything happens they won't mind.  It’s just two friends having a blast!

Mind Meld is a very multi-dimensional record, and that’s very creative for only two guys banging it away.  There is a lot of thought put into this music, and as you listen to it, it makes you focus on completely different aspects sound, riffing, rhythms, or drum patterns.  The absence of vocals highlights other factors which often stay in the background.

The two players in question are very skilled and creative.  They present a different mood with each track, which keeps the album entertaining and engaging.  What you hear on Mind Meld, you don’t always hear on other records where similar instrumental patterns are being explored. There is a level of complicated simplicity in which those two players operate, and the more you listen to it, the more it becomes obvious. 

Fermentor certainly made a record with a lasting impression.  Just like that jars filled with secret substances that you see on the cover; each one hides its own distinctive taste.  Mind Meld will be processing you in no time, just start spinning it.

Mark Kadzielawa

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