Tuesday, December 8, 2020

John Lennon - 40 Years Gone (a personal reflection)

 A great man was shot and killed 40 years ago.  John Lennon was not only a music icon, a person with very idealistic views about humanity, peace, and equality.  His message of love and harmony is still very vital among his followers and beyond.  His life was cut short just as he was about to re-launch his career into a new decade.  With a new and exciting new album, the future looked bright.  No one saw it coming. 

The world mourned, and after all those years the myth of John Lennon is still as strong as it ever was.  His achievements with The Beatles, and solo are forever written in the musical history.  The world could certainly use a visionary like John Lennon today, and his message is more relevant than ever 40 years after his untimely death.

Where was I when all of it went down?  Literally on the other side of the world.  I was in 4th grade, living in communist Poland, and having my first-ever English lesson.  That’s where I found out about Lennon’s death.  The lesson turned out to be a little bit of a joke, but it certainly laid some mental foundations for the life to come on this side of the Atlantic.  Prophetic really.  The news was widely reported in the Polish media for days to come.  The Beatles and Lennon were widely celebrated figures bordering on sainthood, and rightfully so.  It was a tremendous loss, the radio devoted hours to the music Lennon was involved with.

Lennon never compromised.  He truly stood for what he believed, and he fought for it with all his might.  Even if the whole world thought he was wrong, he was clearly pursuing his path.  When his fame got in the way, he turned his back on that too.  All he needed was love and nothing was going to change his ways.  It sounds so simple, yet not always easily achievable, but certainly worth fighting for.

For years I wanted to visit the Dakota building in New York, where this tragedy took place, and I have to say I’m scared to go there.  Maybe one day I will overcome this fear.  I celebrate his passing every year on December 8, by wearing a t-shirt or a button with Lennon of The Beatles to work.  In fact, there were few of us who used to do that, and now it’s down to me.  People retire, or move on, but I’m glad to be carrying the torch for John. 

John Lennon is now gone for 40 years, also the age he was at the time of his death.  Had he lived, he would’ve been 80 years old.  Who knows how many great songs he still had in him.  Each Beatle managed to pull some great music late in their career, and Lennon certainly would not have been an exception.  But we could only wonder, as we had for the last 40 years.  Rest easy John.

Mark Kadzielawa

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