Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Night Demon – Outsider (Century Media)


Night Demon is back with a concept album!  Outsider is a very intriguing story the band committed to music.  The booklet truly explains the story line.  It is a very cool and mysterious adventure and it reads like a movie script.  It’s a daring move, and an artistic statement from this power trio.  All of it is very nicely illustrated and packaged.

After few spins, it is very clear that it’s the story line that engines this album.  The music is written to fit the emotions with which this story is being told and presented.  The band is not afraid to slow things down to make sure the right feel of expression is achieved.  Artistically, it’s absolutely triumphant in how they pursue their vision.  Also, these guys can play, and are not afraid to show it.

The more you listen to Outsider, the more it gets under your skin.  There are plenty of melodies there that are not evident at first, but creep up with each additional listen.  Also, there is a very cool rock feel that you’d get from the 1970s bands.  And once again, it comes down to storytelling, which in itself is impressive.

Outsider is a bold statement from a band that doesn’t want to stand still in one location.  While the hardcore fans may complain about the reduced heaviness, other may locate it in a slightly different form.  Outsider is an album that grows, and in some cases, it may take years to acknowledge its greatness.  Outsider is a door that needs to be opened, and an adventure that needs to be experienced. 

Mark Kadzielawa